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Coronavirus  Resources  

Information for psychiatrists, other health professionals, patients and families
Volunteer Opportunities
& Support for Psychiatrists



CA Dept of Public Health Medical Corps: paid positions, malpractice coverage provided by state to work at health care sites for non-COVID patients; as well as local and state volunteer positions. HERE 


Pro Bono Counseling for Front-line Workers Facing COVID-19: Bay Area Chapter: volunteer to see healthcare/frontline workers pro bono with your own malpractice insurance. HERE.

LA County DMH COVID Emotional Support Warm Line: assist the public during the COVID-19 pandemic, which may include first responders. (training provided) application/questionnaire HERE.

Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society Joy of Medicine: UC Davis psychiatrists provide psychiatric care to physicians in Sacramento area via the physician's private insurance without referral. HERE.


PPAC encourages all volunteers to ask questions about how to handle psychiatric emergencies, malpractice insurance (if not explicitly covered), and the nature of the professional relationship before engaging in any volunteer positions.  Note that many of these resources are an opportunity to provide or receive care as an essential  healthcare worker.  PPAC encourages psychiatrists to attend to their own wellness as well as the needs of their patients.



COVID-19 General Information
Including information for healthcare personnel
Information for Psychiatrists

American Psychiatric Association

 This includes:

  • Resources for Psychiatrists

Telepsychiatry in the Era of COVID-19 Webinar (3/20/20)

Managing the Mental health Effects of COVID-19 Webinar (3/24/20)

APA’s Practice Management Helpline

CDC Information

COVID-19 and Mental Health

New Telehealth rules

  •  Emergency Resources

Disaster Distress Helpline

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Crisis Textline

  • Resources for families

  • Resources for Health Care and Community Leaders

  • ​

CMA's Telehealth Toolkit


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS

CMS General Telemedicine Toolkit

American Medical Association Physician’s Guide to COVID-19

California Medical Association update on telehealth reimbursement in CA


SAMHSA Medication-Assisted Treatment

CMA's Telehealth Toolkit


Psychiatric Physicians Alliance of California

1415 L Street, #1200, Sacramento CA 95814 ~ P-916.572.2035

Learn more about how you, as a California Psychiatrist, can impact the development and implementation of mental health policies in California, protect your scope and standing as a medical professional, and improve mental health care for all Californians. 

It's what we do as an effective, experienced alliance. JOIN US TODAY!

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