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  • The bill to require counties to implement Laura’s Law, or opt out in public proceedings, AB 1976 (Eggman), was put on consent in Committee. Which means it is voted on[LS1]  in a bundle with other noncontroversial bills lacking opposition, no presentation or testimony taken. The final tally, 18-0, a bi-partisan sweep of the committee. It waits on the consent calendar on the Assembly floor, too. The bill to take health conditions into account in 5250 proceedings, AB 2015 (Eggman) passed out of Committee on a recommendation to pass it to the floor by the Chair, Assemblymember Gonzalez (D-San Diego), which it did by an 18-0 vote as well.

  • Non-routine. I have morning routines like everybody. This last Sunday, bright and early, mine was interrupted. I was on the phone to consultants for both of the legislative budget subcommittees for public safety, discussing the Governor’s plan to eliminate parole outpatient clinics and integrated services for severely mentally ill parolees. They seemed to agree, bad idea, dumping thousands of these parolees on the street without any visible plan.

  • Budget, budget. Tic-toc. June 15 state budget deadline looming. Frantic budget subcommittee meetings over long lists of proposals within the Governor’s May Revised budget. What’s getting lost, at least for now, are stakeholder generated proposals, even when COVID related – which would normally be a ticket to admission for inclusion in the legislative budget response. And, if it’s not COVID related, with few exceptions, forget it. At least for 2020.

© 2020 Randall Hagar 

Members Only Weekly Legislative Updates


Each week members receive updated and relevant news about legislation and mental health policy in an exclusive email. Provided by Randall Hagar, PPAC's Legislative Advocate, the weekly update features Insider news about how PPAC policy is being implemented, the state of sponsored bills, and news from the State Capitol. 

     With regular briefing, PPAC members stay current with the state of mental health legislation throughout each session. There's also up-close and personal observations about key players in the Capitol - with information about how members can help support (or oppose) legislation of interest.

    You'll also read about members of the Senate and Assembly who influence how mental health policy moves through the legislative process. You'll learn to know the mental health champions and also learn about our challenges. 

     This kind of Capitol 'insider' news is seldom accessible to people outside "the Building" (as the Capitol is euphemistically called). But it's part of how PPAC focuses on the work of building sound mental health policy for psychiatrists and the people served in California.  


Here's a few examples of items from weekly briefs in 2020: 


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